From 'The Australian's' Pen to the Screen: Anticipating 'A Portrait of Love' Documentary

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Matthew Westwood for his insightful coverage of the forthcoming documentary "A Portrait of Love" in 'The Australian'. His interview with Roberto Meza Mont provides a poignant glimpse into the personal and artistic world of the late Craig Ruddy, as well as the profound partnership shared between the two.

Westwood's article thoughtfully sets the scene for the documentary's showcase at the Mardi Gras Film Festival and the Bangalow Film Festival, illuminating the rich narrative woven by filmmaker Molly Reynolds. This attention to the intricacies of Ruddy and Meza Mont's story not only captivates the audience but also sets the stage for an emotionally charged and profound viewing experience.

Our thanks go out to 'The Australian' and to Matthew Westwood for their meticulous narrative and for shining a spotlight on this documentary that delves into the life of an extraordinary artist and the enduring nature of love and art. Their work does more than inform—it celebrates the enduring resonance of human stories intertwined with artistic creation.


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Roberto Meza Mont, Director Molly Reynolds and Craig Ruddy

craig ruddy