Walking between worlds


When asked about his inspiration for the People’s Choice and Archibald winning portrait ‘Two Worlds’ Craig Ruddy recalls watching Walkabout (1971). “It was the film that made David Gulpilil a role model for me. It was the first movie I’d seen where an Indigenous person was shown in a positive way on film”.

David is a man who crosses the lines that still divide two contrasting worlds: the infinite world of spiritual connection with the Universe as a whole, and the other a materialistic conformation of Western Civilisation. ⁠ ⁠When deciding who to paint for my first serious attempt at the 2004 Archibald, Craig knew that he wanted to portray the energy and spirituality that was depicted on screen and which he experienced so potently while in his presence.⁠⠀
Craig commented that “David’s role as a storyteller really awakened a curiosity in me about the spiritual connection that Indigenous people share with the land, which we are all a part of and is so mysterious to mainstream Australians. It’s more evident now than ever in these uncertain times, that we heed the ancient wisdom of our Indigenous comrades to lead us into a more symbiotic relationship with each other and nature.”

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craig ruddy